Ultrasonic Flow Meter
Ultrasonic flow meter is a general term used to describe measurement devices for velocity of flow . However, an ultrasonic flow meter is a device which will either measure the flow velocity , volume or mass flow of a liquid or a gas. The ultrasonic flow meters are now manufactured in all sorts of types and applications ranging from transit time clean fluid applications or Doppler based flow meters for dirty fluids or hybrids which do both.
Most commonly people will distinguish this technology into two types of measurement technique An ultrasonic flow meter will be categorized into either a Doppler type (which uses the Doppler shift principle) or a transit time type which apparently measures the Delta T or time of flight path. These distinctions have probably been brought about because of the need for simple classifications of ultrasonic flow meters in the industry. However hybrid ultrasonic flow meters exist which can use both techniques.
Nowadays we can see manufacturers using combinations of both the transit time and the phase shift information and in combination with other ultrasound technologies . Ultrasonic Meters can be insert or clamp on types for general industry applications or the explosion proof type meter.
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